The Benefits of Regular Well-Child Visits

Regular well-child visits can help protect your child from serious illnesses, diseases, and injuries by identifying potential problems early. The early identification of medical issues allows you and your child to take precautions.
So, when should you bring your child in for well-child visits? The first well-child visit happens when your baby is 2 to 5 days old. Subsequent well-child visits happen at 1,2,4,6,9,15, and 18 months, and then again at 2 years old.
Regular well-child visits allow your pediatrician to monitor and record your child’s:
- Breathing
- Height and weight
- Heart sounds and pulse
- Musculoskeletal structure
These factors and more provide your pediatrician with the information to track your child’s growth and development. Your pediatrician can help ensure your child is on a healthy track for normal growth and development.
Regular well-child visits are important to your child’s physical health, and behavioral health too. Regular well-child visits are an opportunity for your pediatrician to assess and monitor your child’s behavioral health. During a behavioral health assessment, your pediatrician can identify and manage conditions including:
- ADD and ADHD
- Learning disabilities
- Anxiety and depression
One of the most important functions of a well-child visit is to provide immunizations to prevent contagious, infectious illnesses and diseases. Immunizations are required for your child to attend daycare and school. They also protect your child, your household, and you from acquiring an infectious disease or illness. The flu, hepatitis, meningitis, and polio are just a few of the conditions immunizations can help prevent.
You can benefit from well-child visits too because they give you a wonderful opportunity to ask any questions you have about your child’s health. Your pediatrician is an expert at medical care for children and is a great resource for you and your child. To learn more about the benefits of well-child visits and how they can help protect your child’s health, talk with an expert. Call your pediatrician today.